Monday, September 14, 2009

Writing Contests and Some Good Blog Entries

I have been busy lately so as usual, unpaid activities like blogging take a back seat. I'll try to make up for it with some great links to great writing contests, articles, and blog entries on writing.


Halloween Writing Contest

Submit a 300 word Halloween story and if you make the top three, win a prize. Age categories from Kindergartners all the way to Adults.

Short Writing Contest

The struggling Writer points to an interesting 500 word writing contest, any genre, that must use three out of a list of ten words.

Teen Writing Contests

A great resource if you are a teen looking for some street cred as a writer.

Winter Short Story Fiction Competition

This one comes with a $15 entry fee, but you can win up to $500 for a 1000-3000 word story.

Science Fiction Writing Contest

Poetry, one act play, or short story up to 5,000 words for this contest.


How To Write Action Scenes
Nice blog post by Author James Scott Bell on writing a good action scene.

5 Excellent Writing Blogs
Enough said.

Writing That First Draft
A good reminder to just write.

How To Write A Novel In Three Months
Sound crazy? You be the judge.

How To Write A Novel
Nice detailed article on the topic.

Until next time, let's keep on writing.

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