Friday, June 12, 2009

Novel Writing Contests 2009

I have received some feedback on my Writing Contests post that most contests are for short fiction, not a full Novel length work. So in response, here is a post of what I could find for those who want to submit full Novels to writing contests, or at least submit from your completed novel. My list is short since most of the contests I found have already expired for 2009.

If you are aware of any more Novel contests, please post them with links in the comments for everyone to take advantage of.

If you write Christian Fiction and are a first time novelist, here is a chance to win $20,000 plus publication from the publishing house and author behind the Left Behind series, Jerry B. Jenkins and Tyndale House.

Writing Room contest:
This contest is for work between 50,000 and 125,000 words. There are a range of prizes including cash prizes maxing out at $500 and including publication through and some publicity. I would not consider this a traditional contest, but rather more of a "promoting our services" contests. You are required to publish your manuscript through if you enter this contest (you can choose the free publishing option with no frills). Read the fine print before you make a decision on this one.

A Woman's Write:
Submit the first 75 pages of your novel in this contest to win a $500 prize along with publishing aids and a letter of recommendation.

I know this requires you to write a new novel for the contest, but it is still a good contest with a high profile.

3-Day Novel:
That's correct, 3 days. This is a great contest to help you focus on writing volume and ignoring your inner editor. You may find that after producing a lot with a little time, you have some good material in the middle.

Until next time, let's keep on writing.

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